Ever since I came back from Singapore last month, I been drowning in a sea of work. That will explain why I’ve not been bloggin lately. Summary of life since last blog:
- Work.
- Work upcountry (on Chirstmas).
- Work everywhere.
- Brought a small wabbit to keep GF company while I busy with work. However murderess girlfriend killed the small fluffy fellow in three days. You are not supposed to change the diet of small wabbits suddenly. It will diarrhea until die. No more wabbits for her.

- Christmas…. Brought myself a big present. Peugeot Mi16. 1900cc twin cams. 150hp. 1100kig. Not very fast like my past Civic, need some major work to make it fast. No fuggin time to mod it now. TEN years old. Its cheap, new paint job, but internally, mechanics are all wacky. Imagine you walk all day with your balls leaking sperm. Get the picture? It is now spending a lot of time in the workshop.

- New year. Squeezed time out for a one day sunflower tour. Sunflowers everywhere!!!! Really… whole darn field of them. Will put up the pics when I am really free.
- Found one darn good place for dim sum. Only one I can call real Chinese food in Thailand. Guys…. All dishes… 60 cent!!!!
- Work…
- Work work….
- Going Canada for training Saturday…. Work….
- Now sick with flu.... shitty shitty....
nice sunflowers....
blog more ah.. waiting ah... =)
n... wat is a wabbit? =p
wabbit... = rabbit... = bunny.
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