Monday, July 18, 2005

All Dogs Go To Heaven

I hate to dream about dogs. I love em too much. Phases of your lives that seems to withstand the transient of time. Lives with you forever, permanent programs imprinted like resilient virus of hard disk that no matter what you do to format, they remain there. My dogs are gone, long gone.

Why do humans have this big fug-up authority to decide on everything not capable of speech? Why do we put our dogs to sleep? Oh no…. my friend just got into a roller blade accident and his arm is fractured. Lets send him to a doctor and stick a needle up his arse, put him to sleep, he is damaged. Gee… my wife looks weird, she’s already 55 and she seems to walk slow tripping over her own saggy breast. Sent her to the doctor, put her to sleep. Why don’t all of you, put your old grandfathers or grandmothers to sleep? See the point?

Instead of nursing them dogs for all the joys you had, u put them to sleep.

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